Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Brazilian Bratwurst? Sure, Why Not.

Now I am not completely sure what the deal with this hombre is, but I've been led to believe that a Brazilian advertising agency was using this fellow (all the Americans out there should just assume he's Brazilian George Washington and be done with it) to hawk sausages. I could sure go for a brat right now, boy howdy.

-The Pogonologist

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm...independence brat...

Taken from Wikipedia - "Riding on horseback, he would often be bold enough to draw back the curtains of passing coaches, in search of beautiful women. His young endeavors with these women would give him a bad reputation that he would not be able to shed in the future."

Awesome. Exchange "women" for "brats" and you have yourself an advertising campaign.
